I appreciated your tag on the list of authors to identify any AI-generated work. Having something write your stories seems like sending someone else to kiss your boyfriend. I'd rather do that myself.

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ROFL! Fabulous analogy!

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All my stuff is written by myself. Hard to imagine there was a time where you had to write essays and write refs yourself. Everything is ridiculously streamlined at this point

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As depressing as it is worrying. All my work is 100% human and always will be.

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If students are going to depend upon AI to help them write essays, will they also depend upon AI's to help them at work? If you can't write from the beginning to the end and have it be your words, how can anyone trust you?

AIs are only as good as what's entered into them.

GIGO, you know.

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Good point about trust. If someone thinks it’s okay to cheat in the classroom, then… Sad thing is when the professor says “go ahead and cheat.” And the cheating job applicants didn’t make it to the final list of interviewees (they got ~86 applications, whittled down to 5 - all for one part-time position). The cheaters who used AI to generate their application will have a tough time finding a job. In a few years, though, I suspect such actions will become commonplace. When LinkedIn added an AI text generator, it was a sign how things were going in the arena of employment (advertising a job and applying for a job). Heavy sigh.

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The whole thing is frustrating, for sure. I don't use any AI in my writing or marketing. It's hard competing against those who do. And it's only getting worse as AI fans are emboldened to pass judgment on those who refuse to use it.

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Oh, that’s frightening. Sounds like at some point they will be saying, “you wrote that? how lame! you should’ve used AI.” Flipping the narrative is an old trick. Sigh. Btw, hubby said a guy brought in something and showed his boss. This guy is barely literate and has been trying to write a book for a few years now. Suddenly, he has a whole chapter. Hubby’s boss asked the guy if he wrote it. The guy said, “Yeah, I told AI to write a battle scene, so I wrote this.” People don’t know what it means to write something or to create something. They don’t understand the effort, the struggle, the time. Same goes for music, painting, etc. Thanks for helping to keep the arts real!

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As a writer on my substack it can be hard to find images, and in the beginning, I did pluck a few gAI images, and alter them (my skill). But I don't do that any more. I find one of my old pieces, or I just make a new piece (like my Veloci-Readers picture for my latest substack). I have NEVER used gAI on book covers or for my professional work. And as my substack has become more professional, I no longer use it here, either.

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You hardly need any AI, so I’m happy to see this. AI will eventually become so pervasive that humans will no longer bother creating. Might not happen in my lifetime or yours. Doing my best to stave it off. The AI image generator here insults people like you and me who not only write but are also writers. Thankfully, so far, to my knowledge Substack has not implemented a text generator. I will be upgrading you on my list from dhw to 100% human created. We gotta keep it real! Best wishes.

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The majority of AI written content is meaningless bullshit- humans still write the best things.

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