My Second Book of Short Stories Now Published
Get your sci-fi with an eerie tingle!
Here are six more stories that invaded my “brain space” while I was working on the Freelan novel series. And the ideas keep coming. Check these out and let me know how you like them.
Buy on Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble, Books2Read, Apple, Kobo, Everand, Thalia (German), Smashwords, Angus & Robertson, Vivlio (French/English), Fable, Palace Marketplace
I would also greatly appreciate you posting a review wherever you buy.
The paperback version will be available any day now. I had lots of fun designing the cover.
The Stories
The Stardust Alliance —
A group of people take the idea that we are all stardust a little too seriously. And when the grandson of one of the members, who has bone cancer and is wheelchair bound, takes that “journey to the stars,” the shocking reality hits home.
Read an excerpt on Substack or my site.
Sally’s Destiny —
We’ve all heard of AI (artificial intelligence) by now. A lot of fancy programming that should be called AP (advanced processing). And a programmer puts it to a use that no one ever intended. Four intrepid souls (a family of three and a stranger they met) find themselves in the position to stop that use before it spreads around the world.
Read an excerpt on Substack or my site.
A True Joule —
A young woman is caught up in global scheme to power the world. She finds that she has a special connection, one that makes her the target of some very sinister folks. She has to call on that inner strength, that special connection, to break free.
Read an excerpt on Substack or my site.
If Looks Could Kill —
Aliens are the mainstay of sci-fi. And the more terrifying, the better. So, what’s more terrifying than a beautiful woman who is really in search of energy, the kind that we humans can provide? She gives new meaning to the term femme fatale.
Read an excerpt on Substack or my site.
The Eyes of Cleopatra —
This legendary Queen of the Nile has a long held secret involving ancient rare emeralds that hold the key to the end of the world. The dynamite team of Zachariah Fontaine and Jessica Cushing uncovers that secret. And as a result, Jessica once again finds herself coming to Zachariah’s rescue.
Read an excerpt on Substack or my site.
A Long Way from Arach —
Caution, all of you who have arachnophobia. We sent out a message to the universe that we were here. The creatures from the planet of Arach heard it. They are coming this way! And guess what their favorite food is. Get your can of Raid ready.
Read an excerpt on Substack or my site.
Thanks for reading!
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