Ho! Ho! Ho! That could be a jolly sound, but it could as easily be the sound of evil about to unfold. And this time of year certainly sees both. As the hours of sunlight grow shorter and the hours of darkness lengthen, ghouls, demons, and just plain not nice people prevail. Light a candle, snap on your flashlight (torch for you British English speakers), or flip that light switch.
Better yet, create a cheery piece to shine light into the dark corners of our minds.
Okay, go ahead and create a dark piece we can read under the covers with that flashlight/torch.
Either way, be sure to tag me for my weekly roundup.
How to Participate
Post your stories, poems, podcasts, comics, videos, artwork, etc., and tag me (@A.C. Cargill). I’ll put together a weekly post featuring them. The genre doesn’t matter—sci-fi, romance, horror, mystery, etc. Gotta help each other get seen, especially during a time of year when people are doing so much rushing around.
Don’t feel pressured. We have enough of that already in our lives, especially this time of year. Just enjoy the creating.
A Batch for Your Perusal
I hunted around and found a few good examples to give you an idea of what fits here. Mostly cozy, though, and not creepy:
address a jolly movie:and present a Warrior Wednesday roundup with holiday vibes:
decks the halls, the tree, and more:’s December recap is full of great gifts: opines on the season: tosses around some magic (and don’t we all need some):And she presents a charming tale along with her very stylistic artwork:
is counting the days: as a tale for this dark season:And Just in Case Your TBR List Is Running Low
presents 275 additions:https://thelinklibrary.substack.com/p/275-indie-books-in-the-library
And for anyone who cares about what’s happening in literature, movies, video games, etc., check out
Thanks for reading. And please consider becoming a subscriber (paid or otherwise) to any of the fine Substacks above.
And yes, I want to bring my books (so far) to your attention. Hope you don’t mind.
My four books (so far) from Wordwooze Publishing:
NEW! The Greeting Card Girl’s Christmas – a sweet romance novel for the holiday season.
Wind Down the Chimney and Other Eerie Tales – my first book of eerie short stories (ebook, paperback, audio).
The Stardust Alliance and More – my second book of eerie stories with a touch of Sci-Fi (ebook, paperback, audio).
The Wiccan Tales – a novel and a real Halloween treat.
(All human written. I even designed the covers.)
See them all here:
Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Kobo | Thalia (German) ebook & print | Smashwords | Angus & Robertson: | Mondadori (Italian) | Vivlio (French/English) | Fable
I've written my creepy Christmas tale and scheduled it to post Wednesday 11th. I liked the idea of writing something that wasn't filled with holiday cheer for a change.
Thank you for including my Dec Stack Talk! 🥰